AmigaOS3.5 (39/967)

From:Marion E. Wyatt
Date:2 May 2000 at 04:24:32
Subject:Re: Installing OS3.5 on A4000T

On 01-May-00 at 05:46:53, Oliver Esberger wrote these words of wisdom:
> Hello John, On 01-Mai-00, you wrote:
>>> Well, the author (an ex-Commodore/AT employee) of this site (main
>>> content: ex-ComBo support BBS) claims that providing the software
>> to
>> Well, anyone can *claim* anything. That doesn't make it legal.
> It is a fact that he worked for Commodore. It is also a fact that he was
> responsible for support.
>> You should have made backups of your system disks. Two wrongs don't
>> make a right.
> My A4000T actually came WITHOUT a hardware manual. If it weren't for
> this site I would not know how to configure its SCSI adaptor.
> Most of the things on this site aren't available ANYWHERE else, not even
> from Amiga Inc.

You make some good points.

> I can't see why it would be illegal to download 3.1 disks for the A4000T
> because that is the only OS version that runs on 4000Ts (apart from 3.5)
> and consequently the only OS version ever sold with 4000Ts.

I hope someone from Amiga Inc is following this. They are currently working
on the new website and they should set up a good technical support area for
things like this. I said should.. I dunno if they plan on it or not. Sounds
like a good idea to me. As for the OS, they should have an easy way to
request copies of your lost or defective WB disks online. Anyone from Amiga
Inc present on the list?

Marion E Wyatt A3000 CSPPC/233+060/50 CV64/3D OS3.5 138MB 1+18.2GB ZIP100 Support commercial Only AMIGA Makes It Possible!
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